June 11, 2007

Today, I found a bat.

This was right after I got in a battle royale with the eco-pass dude for not letting me take the bus paper back to the office. Anyways, I digress. I found a bat friend today. It was raining a bit on Pearl Street today and a bat friend came out to drink up the water pooling on the brick pathway. I'm now going to do a long, arduous Google search to find a bat that comes close to the one I found today since I forgot to take a photo of him.

He looked like the photo to the left but a little more alive looking and fluffier.

I sure find bats to be quite interesting. For example, look at his little hands. They are little baby high fives waiting to be united with someone's hands. I also learned from a blog (see photo credits) that if a bat gets caught in your house that you should shoo it out with a tennis racket. Just in case.

photo credit: some dude in Michigan's U.P. who also blogged bout bats!


Slate Donaldson said...

That's how I deal with unruly writers. With a tennis racket.

Farrah said...

I've heard Michigan's U.P. was totally behind the times for a while. Back in the 80s or something, they were like, "phones? we don't need your electronic gobeldy guk, you take your fancy shmancy phone lines some place else!" I'm glad they've made it to the age of blogging.